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Nicole Meneghini

I am an Italian translator specializing in marketing. I assist global companies in growing into the Italian market through strategic, effective, and authentic communication for an Italian audience.

As an expert in the field, I will help you find the best communication strategy to accomplish your goals through a tailored consultation!

English, French and Chinese to Italian translator

About me.

My name is Nicole, and I am an Italian translator specializing in marketing. Languages have always been my passion. I've worked as a freelance translator since 2021. I speak English, French, and Chinese and hope to learn new languages in the future.

I enjoy traveling, discovering new places, and learning about different cultures. I've had a lifelong interest in languages and translation. Understanding the meaning of a word in another language has always been a personal challenge for me.

What motivates me to translate? I adore translating a message from one language to another by searching for the "perfect word". I am curious, and finding the most appropriate word is my challenge to satisfy my clients' expectations and mine. Words are my passion and my job, and my curiosity fuels both. 

What are the translation strategies that I specialize in? They are strategies that a translator needs to know to justify the translation process. They assist the professional translator in translating accurately and precisely.

How did I become a translator?


  • MA in Specialized Translation, SSML Gregory VII in Rome

  • BA in Asian and Mediterranean African Languages, Cultures, and Societies with a specialization in Chinese for Business, Ca' Foscari University in Venice

Professional Experience

I've been working as a freelance translator since 2021. I've worked for both translation agencies and direct clients over the years. I've also worked in audiovisual translation, and in 2022 I subtitled a film for the Hip Hop CineFest in Rome.

I work as an interpreter for the public service and hospitals. I also work with local mediation agencies to provide linguistic-cultural mediation services. I collaborate with local authorities, social services, and municipal officials for delicate family and physical issues. I also work in business meetings with local business owners.

Why choose me?


My mission is to facilitate communication and assist businesses in achieving communication goals tailored to profitable company growth in the Italian market.

Being able to stand out is essential in today's globalized world. That is why, through your voice and my words, I have decided to assist companies that want to stand out in the Italian market in achieving their goals in a personalized manner.

Connection and a good relationship with the client are essential for achieving communication goals through total personalization.

Building a genuine relationship based on trust and mutual respect is the key to understanding the client's needs and providing the most appropriate and effective service for achieving those objectives. 



English, French and Chinese to Italian translator

Maria, Founder - Ti Traduco 

"Nicole demonstrated professionalism and fairness, responding promptly to requests and delivering on time. She also has excellent language skills."

Are you interested in how I manage my client relationships and my services?


Click on my BLOG to discover how I work and the translator's secrets.

"Your world, my words"

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